15 Tips To Managing Online Relationships After A Loss

After a loss, it’s natural to want to be online. It can be a way of connecting with other people who understand what you’re going through or just something to do when all your friends are offline. But there are some things that might not seem like they matter at the time but could actually cause problems down the road. Here are some tips for managing your relationships after a loss:

How to Deal with Grief & Unexpected Loss | headspace
Key Takeaway
Coping with grief and loss can be a challenging and emotional process.
Building a support system and seeking support from others can be helpful.
Practicing self-care and engaging in activities that bring joy can also aid in the healing process.
Grief is not a linear process and individuals may experience the stages of grief in a different order or cycle through them multiple times.
Supporting someone who is grieving can involve expressing condolences, offering practical help, and providing a safe space for the person to express their emotions.

Understand Why You Want To Be Online

Understand why you want to be online. Some people may want to be online because they feel more comfortable communicating with others through text, email or chat than in person. Others might feel like they can express themselves better on the Internet than in real life. If this sounds like you, it’s important that you understand why so that when your reasons change (and they will) or new challenges arise (and they will) then you won’t feel as though there’s something wrong with yourself or your choices.

Determine how much time is too much time spent online after a loss? Most people agree that spending too much time alone isn’t healthy–but most people don’t know how much time actually constitutes “too much.” It depends on what kind of person you are before the loss and after it; some people need more social interaction than others do!

“When you experience a loss, it’s important to build a support system to help you cope. Check out our tips and strategies for creating a supportive network after a loss, and find out how to lean on others during this difficult time.” – Creating a Supportive Network After a Loss: Tips and Strategies

Know What You Are Getting Into

Knowing what you are getting into is key to managing online relationships after a loss. If you know what to expect, you will be better equipped to manage the feelings of grief that may come up as well as your expectations for the relationship.

Knowing what you are getting into can help in other ways as well:

It helps set realistic goals for yourself during this time, which will make it easier for everyone involved when those goals are reached or not met.

Knowing exactly how much time and energy each person is willing to put into their relationship with another individual (or group) helps prevent any misunderstandings from arising later on down the road when

someone feels like they’ve been neglected or forgotten about altogether by someone else who wasn’t being honest with them from day one about their intentions towards them specifically versus just being generally friendly/friendly towards anyone who wants something done right now without regard for whether or not these requests will affect other people who might need assistance too.”

1Understand that online relationships are not the same as real-life relationships.
2Be aware that people online may not always be who they seem.
3Remember that online interactions can be misinterpreted.
4Set boundaries and stick to them.
5Be cautious when sharing personal information.

Set Boundaries With Yourself, And Stick With Them.

Don’t be afraid to say no to people. Be honest about your intentions. Don’t try to be someone else’s therapist if they don’t want one, or if it isn’t appropriate in the situation (for example, at a funeral). If you have children or other family members who need attention, prioritize them over online friends that may not understand what you’re going through anyway.

“Having a support system is essential when dealing with grief and loss. Learn about the importance of having a support system and how it can help you heal by reading our article.” – Grief and Loss: The Importance of Having a Support System

Create A Safe Place To Talk About The Loss.

A private Facebook group is a great way for people to share their stories, ask questions and find support. If you’re not comfortable with creating your own group, there are plenty of pre-existing groups that discuss this topic. 

A blog can also be helpful as it will allow you to write down your thoughts or feelings in an organized way without having to worry about who may read them (or what they think). You can even have others contribute by commenting on posts!

Another option is creating a group text or email thread where everyone involved in the conversation can communicate with each other at once instead of back-and-forth through individual messages. 

This might seem like overkill but remember: this person has lost someone close – having multiple mediums available makes sense because sometimes one feels more comfortable than another depending on where they’re at emotionally during each phase of grieving; whether it’s early stages where everything seems overwhelming or later stages when all hope seems lost…

11Choose a trusted friend or family member to confide in.
12Seek out an online support group.
13Consider professional counseling.
14Use online resources to find helpful information.
15Know that it’s okay to not be okay.

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

It can be tempting to compare your relationship, grief and life with those of others. You may find yourself wondering why some people seem to get through this better than you do or if they’re doing it right. This is normal–but it’s also important not to make these comparisons too often.

Don’t compare your grief with someone else’s because everyone grieves differently and no one knows exactly what you’re going through as well as yourself! Don’t compare your relationship with others’ relationships either; each couple has their own unique dynamic that works for them (and maybe not for another couple). 

And finally, don’t compare what’s happening in your life today against how things were before the loss occurred–there was no way anyone could have predicted what happened back then anyway!

Let People Know If It’s Too Much For You To Handle At The Moment

It’s okay to say no. You don’t have to be strong all the time, and it’s okay to ask for help. If you feel like you are being overwhelmed by the people in your life asking about your loss, let them know that it’s too much for now.

They won’t judge you or think less of you for taking a break from talking about it; they will understand that this is something that takes time and patience before being able to talk about openly again.

“Finding support online can be a valuable resource when coping with the loss of a loved one. Check out our article to learn more about finding support online and how it can help you during your grief journey.” – Finding Support Online After a Loss

Stay Away From Social Media For A Few Days Or Weeks After The Loss

Social media can be overwhelming, especially after a loss. It’s okay to take a break from social media for a few days or weeks. You don’t need to worry about what other people will think or if they’ll miss out on something important.

If you find yourself scrolling through your feed and feeling overwhelmed by the amount of joyous posts, try using apps like Momentum and Flipboard that help filter out content based on your preferences and interests so that only relevant updates appear in your feed (and not all of them at once).

6Take a break from social media.
7Turn off notifications.
8Unfollow or unfriend people who might trigger negative emotions.
9Use social media for support when you are ready.
10Return to social media gradually.

Be Honest About Your Intentions And Don’t Try To Be Someone Else’s Therapist

It is tempting to try to be someone else’s therapist, friend, support system and confidante. But no matter how much you care about someone who has suffered a loss or trauma, it’s important to remember that your own needs are important too. 

It can be helpful for you if you have friends who are willing to listen when things get tough for you–but don’t expect them all at once from one person (especially if they’re grieving too).

And don’t forget: You’re not responsible for anyone else’s feelings or actions except your own!

“Managing online relationships after a loss can be challenging, but with the right tools and strategies, it is possible. Check out our article for 15 tips to managing online relationships after a loss and find out how to stay connected while grieving.” – 15 Tips to Managing Online Relationships After a Loss

Speak Up If Something In An Online Relationship Makes You Feel Uncomfortable Or Anxious

If you’re feeling uncomfortable, say so. If your partner is making you feel anxious, say so. If you don’t feel comfortable saying something in person or online, then try saying it the other way around. 

Sometimes we need to get used to speaking up and sharing our feelings with others before we can do it fluently–and that’s okay! Don’t let fear keep you from reaching out; if there’s anything worth doing in life (including relationships), then surely that includes being able to speak up when something isn’t working for us personally?

Share Information Only When And Where It Is Comfortable For You

You are the only one who knows when, where and with whom you want to share your grief. You can share with friends and family in person or online. It’s up to you!

If you feel comfortable doing so, consider sharing your story on social media as a way of connecting with others who have experienced similar losses. 

If this feels too overwhelming at this time, that’s okay too; just know there are plenty of other ways for people who are grieving their loved ones (or pets) to connect with each other online — from Facebook groups like “I Miss My Dog” or “My Sister Died Today” all the way up through Reddit’s r/grief forum (which has over 10k subscribers).

“Social media can have a profound impact on the way we grieve and process loss. Learn about the impact of social media on grief and loss, and find out how to navigate the dos and don’ts of posting about grief on social media.” – The Impact of Social Media on Grief and Loss

Take Breaks From Seeing Each Other Online In Person, If Possible!

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of time you spend with this person or group of people, try taking a break from that relationship for awhile. You can use that as an excuse to not see them as often in real life (if applicable).

If not, then find some way to take some distance from them digitally–maybe don’t check your email for two days or don’t respond to texts for one week. You might even consider ending things altogether if it feels too difficult for you at this point in time.


I hope that these tips have given you some ideas on how to manage your online relationships after a loss. 

You don’t have to be afraid of being online, but it’s important that you understand what being online means for you and how it will affect your life going forward.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you cope with grief and loss:

Coping with Grief and Loss: This comprehensive article from HelpGuide covers various aspects of grief and loss, including the stages of grief, coping strategies, and self-care tips.

Coping With the Death of a Spouse: Verywell Mind provides practical advice and coping strategies for individuals who have lost a spouse, including tips for managing grief, coping with loneliness, and seeking support.


What are the stages of grief?

  • What are the five stages of grief? The five stages of grief, as originally outlined by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
  • Is grief a linear process? No, grief is not a linear process and individuals may experience the stages of grief in a different order or cycle through them multiple times.

How can I cope with the loss of a loved one?

What are some coping strategies for dealing with grief and loss? Coping strategies for dealing with grief and loss include seeking support, practicing self-care, journaling, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.

Should I seek professional help for my grief? It may be helpful to seek professional help for grief if you are experiencing severe or prolonged symptoms, have a history of mental health issues, or are struggling to cope with your loss.

How can I support someone who is grieving?

What can I say to someone who is grieving? Expressing your condolences and offering your support can be helpful, as well as listening and providing a safe space for the person to express their emotions.

What are some practical ways to offer support to someone who is grieving? Practical ways to offer support to someone who is grieving include cooking meals, running errands, helping with household chores, or offering to accompany the person to appointments or events.