Finding Hope After The Loss Of A Loved One

The death of a loved one can be an intensely painful experience. The pain doesn’t always fade over time, but it can help to know that there are ways to start feeling better and finding hope after the loss of someone close to you.

Finding Hope After Loss with Sherry Walling PhD
Dealing with grief can be a challenging process
Building a support system can provide comfort and help you navigate through difficult times
Understanding the stages of grief can help you better cope with your emotions
Finding hope and healing in the midst of grief is possible
Self-care and mindfulness can be helpful strategies for coping with grief
Honoring the memory of your loved one can be a meaningful way to cope with grief
It’s important to find the coping strategies that work best for you and your individual experience
Providing support and comfort to friends and loved ones who are grieving can make a big difference

It’s Ok To Be Sad

In a world where happiness is the norm, it can be hard to accept that it’s OK to feel sad. Grief is a natural part of the process following the loss of someone we love. We often avoid talking about our grief, which only adds to its weight. 

Be sure not to feel guilty for feeling sad after losing someone close to you; that person’s absence will be felt in your life and there is nothing wrong with accepting that.

It’s also important not to let others tell you what emotions are “appropriate” or not appropriate in this situation. 

You know yourself best if crying helps you heal, then cry as much as needed! If laughing helps too go for it! 

Just remember: whatever emotions come up for you during this time are valid and don’t need rationalization from anyone else but yourself

“When dealing with grief and loss, having a support system can provide immense comfort and help you navigate through difficult times. Learn more about the power of a support system during times of grief by checking out our guide.” – The Power of a Support System During Times of Grief

Find Your Tribe

After the loss of a loved one, it’s important to find your tribe. A support group of people who share your grief journey can help you feel less alone, and give you support in the difficult times ahead.

Finding the right support group can be difficult; however, it can make all the difference in helping you through this difficult time in your life.

Online Support Groups

There are many online forums and groups dedicated to helping those who have lost loved ones find ways they can cope with their grief together. Some of these sites include:

  • The Grief Recovery Institute (GRI) has an online forum where people share advice on how they have coped with loss, as well as offering resources for finding local counseling services or other types of support
Join a support groupConnect with others who are also grieving and find comfort in discussing your feelings and experiences
Attend group therapy sessionsLearn coping skills and strategies to help you deal with your grief in a supportive environment
Participate in grief-related eventsAttend events such as walks, runs, or other fundraising activities that allow you to connect with others who have experienced loss
VolunteerFind a cause that was important to your loved one and volunteer your time and energy to honor their memory

“Losing a loved one can be one of the toughest experiences in life. If you’re struggling to cope with grief and loss, our 10 tips for coping with the loss of a loved one can provide some guidance and support.” – 10 Tips for Coping with the Loss of a Loved One

It’s Ok To Be Mad

It’s OK to be mad. It’s OK to be sad, frustrated or even confused and helpless. And it’s also okay if you feel guilty or hopeless at times. These emotions are all normal after a loss and they’re often what cause us the most pain in the long run.

It’s important that we allow ourselves time to experience and express these feelings without judgment before moving on towards healing.

Be Patient With Yourself

Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. It’s okay to feel sad and angry, or to want to be alone, or to want to be with other people. 

You also have the right to take time off from work if you need it in order to process your emotions and heal. If you don’t feel like doing anything at all one day, that’s okay too!

It’s important not to put pressure on yourself or others by pushing through sadness when you’re not ready. Instead of trying harder or longer in an attempt at self-control over feelings that are difficult for us as humans (and especially after loss), we can give ourselves permission just “be human.”

“The journey through grief can be complicated, but understanding the stages of grief can help you better cope with your emotions. Visit our guide on the 5 stages of grief to learn more about the grieving process.” – The 5 Stages of Grief: Understanding and Coping with Loss

Take Pictures

Take pictures of the deceased. This can mean a lot of different things, but the main thing to remember is that you’ll want to take photos of your loved one and their belongings as they were in life. 

If they are no longer with us, it may not be possible to get photographs of them like this (and if this is the case, then I encourage you to find someone who has photos and ask permission). 

However, there are plenty of ways to capture these memories: maybe it’s a photo album or scrapbook that you put together, or maybe it’s just an album on your computer full of old photos from years ago when they were alive.

Take pictures of yourself and your family members. Because grief can make us feel isolated from others during such an intense time in our lives, it can be helpful for us survivors as we try to focus on healing our hearts by looking at pictures taken before death struck so suddenly into our lives. 

Sometimes taking pictures helps remind us that there are people who care about us even though we feel alone right now; seeing these faces reminds us that we aren’t alone!

Create a memory bookCollect photos, ticket stubs, and other mementos and create a book that tells the story of your loved one’s life
Make a photo collageCompile your favorite pictures of your loved one and create a collage that you can display in your home
Take photos at meaningful locationsVisit places that were special to your loved one and take photos to remember the memories you shared
Take photos of yourselfSnap pictures of yourself to remember how you looked and felt during this difficult time

Know That You’re Not Alone

You’re not alone, and you never were. The most comforting and encouraging thing you can do for yourself is to know this.

Sure, it may be hard to believe right now you’ve just recently lost someone close to you, after all—but people have been losing loved ones just like yours since forever. 

There are many other people who have experienced the same thing as you, even if their situations aren’t exactly the same. They might be able to relate in some way that helps bring comfort.

There are also many resources available for anyone going through grief and loss; online forums and message boards can be helpful places to share stories with others who have also lost loved ones recently or long ago, while books such as this one offer advice on how best to deal with your emotions after losing someone special in your life (including how best not fall victim again).

“Finding comfort after the loss of a loved one can be a challenging process. However, our guide on finding comfort after the loss of a loved one can provide tips and strategies to help you navigate through your grief.” – Finding Comfort After the Loss of a Loved One

Try To Figure Out What Helps You Relax.

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Reading
  • Listening to music

Going for a walk outdoors is healing. Getting some fresh air and enjoying the sunshine can help you feel grounded again. If you find yourself struggling with anxiety, try taking walks in nature or around your neighborhood. You will feel better!

Reminisce With Loved Ones

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to share memories with loved ones. Reminiscing about a person who has passed on may help you heal, as it allows you to remember them in a good light.

You can reminisce by talking about the deceased’s favorite things or sharing funny stories about them. For example, if they loved playing video games or watching football, bring up these topics during dinner conversations with family members and friends. 

You could also share fond memories of how they would react when certain things happened for instance, how they would’ve responded if they found out that someone else had been injured in an accident like theirs (or worse). 

This will help keep their spirit alive while also giving people something new to talk about and laugh at together!

Share memories over a mealPlan a meal with family or friends and share stories and memories of your loved one
Look through old photos or home moviesGather old photos or home movies and spend time looking through them to remember the good times
Visit meaningful locationsVisit places that were special to your loved one and reminisce about the memories you shared together
Create a memory jarWrite down your favorite memories of your loved one and keep them in a jar that you can revisit when you need comfort

Toss A Message In The Bottle

If you’re the kind of person who likes to write letters, a message in the bottle is a surefire way to help you voice your feelings. Just write a letter and put it in an empty bottle with some water and send it off on its journey. 

The ocean will take care of the rest, never knowing who will read it or when, but that doesn’t matter the ocean doesn’t judge! A message in the bottle is one of those simple things that can make all the difference when you need someone else’s words as much as your own.

Go Places You Know The Deceased Would Have Enjoyed

If you are having trouble finding hope, visit a place that the deceased loved. If the deceased liked to go fishing, go fishing. 

You can also visit places where they used to go and places where you can remember the good times with them. It may help you find hope if you remember some of your fondest memories with this person at these locations.

If A Loss Has Been Difficult, Be Honest About It When Asked How You’re Doing

Sometimes, when people are asked how they are doing, they will say “fine” or “good.” However, if you have recently suffered a loss and your answer to this question is anything other than “I’m struggling,” then it’s okay to be honest about it.

You should not feel ashamed for being honest about how you’re feeling—in fact, it’s better for everyone involved if you’re open about your emotions. It isn’t helpful for people to try and pretend that everything is okay when it really isn’t.

If someone asks how you are and the answer isn’t what they expect or want to hear, do not worry about hurting their feelings or offending them in any way. 

They may be surprised by your honesty but they will respect and appreciate that you were willing to be so open with them instead of hiding behind a lie just because it was easier than telling the truth

Let People Help You When They Offer

When someone offers to help, let them do it. Don’t be afraid to say yes! It can be hard for us to accept help, but we need it—and sometimes the only thing standing between us and our goals is a little help from our friends.

Ask for what you need from others who love and care about you, whether that means asking them to hold your hand through something difficult or just having some time alone with no distractions so you can think things through clearly. 

If someone says “no” or doesn’t seem like they want to be there, respect their wishes and move on; don’t make them feel guilty by insisting they stay longer than they’re comfortable staying (or leaving). You are not alone in this world: there will always be someone ready to lend an ear.

“Building a support system after experiencing grief and loss can be difficult, but finding strength in community can make a big difference. Check out our guide on how to build a support system after a loss to learn more about the benefits of community during times of grief.” – Finding Strength in Community: How to Build a Support System After a Loss

Make Something Creative To Honor Your Lost Loved One’s Memory

There are several ways you can use your creative skills to honor the memory of your lost loved one. If you’re a writer, consider writing a letter or poem. 

If you’re an artist, try painting or sculpting something in honor of their memory. If music is your thing, try writing a song about them or about their death. 

There are many ways for you to use your creativity and channel it into something meaningful for yourself and others who will read or hear what you have created.

Keep Talking To Them (Even If They Can’t Hear You) Because It Can Help To Process Your Emotions And Feel Less Alone

Talk to them. Even if they can’t hear you, it’s okay to talk out loud and make jokes or tell stories. It will help you process your emotions and feel less alone in your grief process. 

You might want to talk about how much you miss them and how hard it is for you not having them around anymore, but there are also many other things that come up when we’re grieving. Some of the topics I’ve talked to my loved ones about after they passed away include:

  • What were some of our favorite memories together?
  • What did they like doing with their time on earth?
  • What was a time when we had an argument or disagreement but then made up later on?

This type of conversation can be very helpful in processing your emotions during this difficult time too!


I hope this post has been helpful in giving you some ideas on how to cope with the loss of a loved one. I know that it’s not easy, but there are so many ways to get through it—and they all start with your own strength, resilience and courage!

Further Reading

Dealing with Grief: Finding Hope: This article offers tips and guidance for coping with grief and finding hope in the midst of loss.

Find Hope: Deal With the Pain of Losing a Loved One: This article provides insight into the grieving process and offers practical advice for finding hope after the loss of a loved one.

And here’s an example of how to write the FAQs section:


What is grief and how do I know if I’m grieving?

Grief is a natural response to loss and can manifest in many ways, including sadness, anger, guilt, and physical symptoms like fatigue or changes in appetite. If you’ve experienced a significant loss, it’s normal to grieve and you may notice changes in your emotions or behavior.

How long does grief last?

Grief is a personal and individual process, and there is no “right” way to grieve. It can last for different lengths of time depending on the individual and the situation, but many people find that their grief lessens over time.

What can I do to cope with grief?

There are many ways to cope with grief, including talking to friends or a therapist, practicing self-care, and finding ways to honor your loved one’s memory. It’s important to find the strategies that work best for you.

Is it normal to feel guilty after a loss?

Yes, it’s common to experience feelings of guilt after a loss, even if you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s important to acknowledge and work through these feelings to prevent them from becoming overwhelming.

How can I support a friend or loved one who is grieving?

You can offer support by listening, providing practical help like cooking or cleaning, and being there for your loved one during this difficult time. It’s important to respect their boundaries and needs, and not to offer unsolicited advice or try to “fix” their grief.