Mindfulness Exercises For Coping With Grief And Loss

When you lose someone you love, the loss can seem like it will never go away. But there are ways to help cope with the pain of grief and loss. 

The following mindfulness exercises can help guide you through this difficult time and provide a path to healing over time.

Guided Meditation for Loss – Coping with Grief and Sadness
Mindfulness exercises can be helpful in coping with grief and loss.
Self-care is an essential part of the healing process after loss.
Building a support system can make a big difference in the grieving process.
Mindfulness can promote emotional regulation and reduce stress and anxiety.
Grief is a natural and normal response to loss, and there is no set timeline for the grieving process.

1. Allow Yourself To Cry And Feel The Pain

Allow yourself to cry and feel the pain. Feelings are normal and natural, and it’s okay for you to have them.

You are not alone in experiencing this kind of loss; many people go through it at some point in their lives.

You’re not weak if you have strong feelings about your loss. You don’t need to hide your feelings or pretend they aren’t there just because others find them uncomfortable or inconvenient for themselves or others around them. Grief is an emotion that comes with being human—it’s part of being a person!

It’s okay if you want more than one type of support during your grieving process; sometimes we need different types of help at different times during our grief journey, which can include professional counseling services (e.g., individual therapy), support groups with other people who’ve experienced similar experiences (e.,g., “survivor” groups), online forums where members can share their stories with strangers who understand what they’re going through (e..g . “grief blogs”).

“Self-care is essential in coping with grief, and it has the power to heal emotional wounds. Our article on the healing power of self-care for grief provides valuable guidance and techniques to help you take care of yourself during this difficult time.” – The Healing Power of Self-Care for Grief

2. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a great way to relax, and it can also help you feel better when you’re feeling stressed. When we’re stressed, our breathing becomes shallow and rapid this stimulates the fight-or-flight response in our bodies, releasing adrenaline and other stress hormones. 

The result is an increased heart rate and blood pressure as well as tension throughout our bodies.

Deep breathing exercises can help calm down this reaction by slowing down your breath so that it becomes deeper and more regular. 

It helps slow down your heart rate while reducing muscle tension throughout the body. By relaxing these physical responses to stressors, deep breathing exercises can help reduce both mental stress (anxiety) as well as emotional distress (anger).

Find a comfortable and quiet placeLook for a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position.
Inhale deeply and exhaleInhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Focus on the breathing rhythmConcentrate entirely on your breath, following it from the inhalation to exhalation until you feel calm.
RepeatRepeat the process for five to ten minutes, regularly throughout the day to reduce stress levels.

3. Create A Sacred Space In Your Home

You can create a sacred space in your home that is just for you. It can be an altar or shrine, or it could be a corner of your home where you feel comfortable being alone. It may be outside in nature, such as by the ocean or at the top of a mountain (a place where you are most likely to feel at peace).

The key here is to choose what feels right for you and go with that feeling—don’t worry about whether it fits into any particular category of “sacred space.”

“Finding peace and solace through mindfulness can help alleviate emotional pain and promote healing after experiencing loss. Learn more about mindfulness and its benefits in coping with grief through our article on finding peace and solace through mindfulness.” – Finding Peace and Solace Through Mindfulness

4. Write In A Journal Or Blog

If you are feeling grief and loss, writing in a journal can be helpful.

Write about your feelings, thoughts and experiences. You may want to write down memories that you have of your loved one. 

You could also write down things that you want to remember about them or things that they meant to you when they were alive. Writing something like “I wish I had told him/her how much I loved him/her” can help with the grieving process as well as allowing you to express yourself through writing by saying all those things that might not have been said while he or she was still alive!

5. Be Mindful Of The Nature Around You

Being mindful of the nature around you can help bring you back to the present moment. If there are birds singing, listen to them. 

If there are flowers growing, smell them. Feel the wind on your face or watch clouds pass by all these are experiences that can help you stay in the present moment and cope with grief and loss.

Go outside to natureTake a walk outside in nature or spend time in a garden or nearby park to appreciate peace and serenity.
Listen to sounds and take notice of surroundingsListen to the sounds of nature, take notice of the surroundings, look at the trees, birds, and flowers to connect with nature.
Breathe in the fresh airBreathe in the fresh air, deeply and slowly, filling your lungs with the air around you.
Observe any thoughts or feelings that arise, and let them pass bySlow yourself down and let your feelings come and pass by you without prejudice. Allow your mind to indulge in the appreciation of your surroundings.

6. Read Books About Grief

There are many great books that can help you to cope with grief. Some of them are about mindfulness, meditation, spirituality/religion or death/dying; some of them are not. 

It’s best to choose something that resonates with you personally. If you don’t know where to start, try any of the following:

  • The Five Tibetans by Christopher S. Kilham
  • Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani
  • When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

“Navigating the pain of loss can be overwhelming, but using mindfulness techniques can help you cope with grief and find peace within. Our article on using mindfulness to navigate the pain of loss provides valuable guidance and techniques to help you navigate the emotional journey of grief.” – Using Mindfulness to Navigate the Pain of Loss

7. Light A Candle For Your Loved One

Lighting a candle is one of the most common and effective ways to honor your loved one. Your loved one may have been religious, spiritual or atheist. 

The act of lighting a candle can help you feel connected to them in this way and make your ritual feel more personal. 

You might light a candle in their memory at home or at a place where they made an impact on you (for example, the local park where they taught you how to play soccer). 

Lighting a candle doesn’t have to be complicated: just pick up any candle that catches your eye, light it and put it somewhere safe so people don’t stumble into it! 

You could even use colored candles which are generally easier on the eyes than white candles; however if possible try not to use pink or red since these colors are often associated with romance rather than mourning!

8. Create A Grieving Ritual For Yourself

The concept of a ritual is fairly simple: it’s an action or series of actions that you perform to mark the significance of an event. In this case, your ritual would be something you do to honor your loved one and express your grief. 

For example, you might light a candle or say a prayer each time you visit their grave. You could also write them a letter and burn it when they pass away.

For many people, creating rituals around loss can help them cope with the pain they’re experiencing in the aftermath of their loss. 

Having something specific to do can provide structure to what can otherwise feel like overwhelming emotions, as well as reminding us that our loved ones are still present in some way through these actions we take in their memory (even if it doesn’t seem like it at times). 

This helps support our sense of connection with those who have died and provides some comfort during difficult times by helping us remain connected with them even after death occurs.

“Finding strength in community after the loss of a loved one can make a big difference in the healing process. Our guide on finding strength in community after the loss of a loved one provides valuable insights and strategies to help you build a support system during this difficult time.” – Finding Strength in Community After the Loss of a Loved One

9. Do Something That Reminds You Of Your Loved One Daily

Do something that reminds you of your loved one daily. This could be a picture, memento or item of clothing. Use this to help you remember your loved one and their life. This can help with the grieving process by keeping them close to you, even if it’s just in thought.

10 .Take Care Of Your Health And Mental Wellbeing First

It’s important to take care of your own health and mental wellbeing first. You know that you can’t help others if you’re not healthy, strong and resilient yourself. The best way to be there for those who need it most is by being in a good headspace yourself.

It sounds selfish, but this is one of the most important things I have learned since my father died: take care of yourself first. 

There are so many ways that we can be our own worst enemies when we feel like we’re losing control over what happens in our lives or when we feel like no one else understands how bad things could be for us at this moment (because chances are they don’t). 

This can come out as anxiety or anger towards others around us–especially if their lives seem “better” than ours right now–and stop us from getting through the day with any sense of grace or purpose left intact at all!

But here’s another thing worth mentioning: When someone passes away suddenly or unexpectedly and leaves behind an entire family who needs support from each other during such a difficult time together…one person cannot do everything alone! 

No matter how hard we try as parents/spouses/friends/family members/etc., there will always come times where asking for help seems impossible because it just doesn’t seem fair (or logical) given our circumstances right now–but sometimes asking for help IS exactly what needs doing so everyone involved can begin healing together instead sobbing alone at home while thinking “why me?!” all day long without anyone else noticing.”

“Having a support system is crucial when coping with grief and loss. Our article on the importance of having a support system during times of grief provides valuable insights and strategies to help you find the support you need during this challenging time.” – Grief and Loss: The Importance of Having a Support System

11 .Try To Be Grateful For The Time You Had With Your Loved One Rather Than Resentful For Their Loss

As you go through the grieving process, it is important to find ways of coping with the loss and loss-related grief that are meaningful for you. Here are some suggestions:

  • Try to be grateful for the time you had with your loved one rather than resentful for their loss.
  • Spend time with other people who have also lost someone close to them in order to help build a support network and get advice on how they cope.
  • Do not neglect your physical health while going through this difficult period; try exercising regularly or eating better so that you can be stronger when dealing with stressful situations.
Focus on good memoriesTry to focus on the memories that make you feel happy and comforted. These memories will provide you with emotional support and can alleviate the feeling of loss.
Practice gratitudeThink of the good things about the person you lost, and be grateful for having them in your life, instead of resentful or feeling sorry for yourself.
Create an appreciation listWrite down and reflect on the positive things that your loved one brought into your life. By doing this, you can appreciate their efforts in your life.
Accept how you feel, but don’t wallow in it or dwell on itLastly, accept how you feel, but don’t allow it to consume you. Acknowledge the pain, but don’t drown yourself in the feeling of loss for an extended period.


Hopefully, these tips will help you start to cope with your grief in a healthy way. Remember, this process is different for everyone and it’s okay if you don’t feel like doing all of these exercises at once or even at all! 

Like most things in life, it takes time and patience before we can truly master the art of mindfulness. 

So keep practicing, keep trying new things until something resonates with you and then stick with that routine as long as possible because consistency really does make all the difference when it comes down to making positive change happen in our lives for good 🙂

Further Reading

If you found our article on mindfulness exercises for coping with grief and loss helpful, you may also find the following resources useful:

Mindfulness Strategies to Cope with Loss: This article from Healthline provides additional mindfulness strategies to help cope with loss.

3 Ways to Use Mindfulness During Your Grief: This blog post from Hospice of the Red River Valley offers three practical ways to use mindfulness during the grieving process.


What is grief?

Grief is a natural and normal response to loss. It is a complex emotional process that can include feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion.

How long does the grieving process last?

There is no set timeline for the grieving process. It is different for everyone and can depend on various factors, including the type of loss and the individual’s personal coping style.

What are some common symptoms of grief?

Common symptoms of grief can include feelings of sadness and depression, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, and physical symptoms such as fatigue or headaches.

How can mindfulness help with grief?

Mindfulness can help with grief by promoting emotional regulation and reducing stress and anxiety. It can also help individuals stay present in the moment and focus on self-care during a difficult time.

How can I build a support system during grief?

Building a support system during grief can involve reaching out to friends and family, joining a support group, or seeking professional counseling. Our article on finding strength in community after the loss of a loved one provides additional guidance on building a support system during grief.