The Role Of Self-Care In Grief Recovery

When we lose someone or something that is part of our routine or identity, grief can be a lonely, isolating place. It’s OK to feel alone in your grief but it doesn’t have to be. 

There are many things you can do to help yourself feel better and move on from your loss. These are some ideas for self-care:

Leaning into Grief as Self-Care | With Dr. Mekel Harris
Self-care is an essential tool for managing grief and loss.
Building a support system can provide strength and comfort during times of grief.
Understanding the stages of grief can help individuals manage their emotions.
There are practical strategies for coping with the loss of a loved one.
Practicing self-care can help individuals find healing and build resilience.

Take A Walk

Taking a walk is one of the best ways to get some exercise and fresh air. A walk can help you think about things, which will make it easier for you to feel better. You’ll also find that walking gives you an opportunity to relax, which is important in grief recovery.

Take A Bath

Taking a bath is a great way to relax and unwind, as well as help you sleep better. The warm water helps relieve tension in your body and mind, while the lightness of being immersed in water also offers a sense of peace. 

Sometimes taking just five minutes to sit in warm water can make all the difference in how you feel throughout the rest of your day.

Baths can also be an opportunity to bond with those who are grieving by sharing memories or making plans for future outings with friends or family members who share memories of the person who died.

“Self-care can be a powerful tool in managing grief and loss, helping individuals navigate their emotions and find healing. Discover more about the healing power of self-care for grief on our website.” – The Healing Power of Self-Care for Grief

Get Some Rest

Importance of Sleep

Sleep is important for your physical and mental health, but it’s especially essential when you’re grieving. The body needs time to recover after a difficult day, and sleep helps with that. It also gives you time to process the day’s events without having to deal with them as soon as they happen.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

The amount of sleep necessary varies from person to person based on factors like age and stress levels, but most people need between 7 and 9 hours per night in order to function properly throughout their waking hours. If you find yourself waking up feeling tired even after getting the recommended amount of sleep each night, consider making some changes:

  • Avoid caffeine late in the afternoon or evening; it will disrupt your sleep cycle if consumed too close to bedtime
  • Try exposing yourself gradually over time (a few days) before bedtime so that when you try something new like meditation or aromatherapy at night, it doesn’t feel like such an abrupt change
Take napsSet aside time during the day for a power nap to recharge your energy.
Follow a bedtime routineEstablish a consistent bedtime routine to promote better sleep.
Avoid caffeine and alcoholLimit your caffeine and alcohol intake before bedtime to improve the quality of your sleep.
Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillowPurchase a comfortable mattress and pillow that best suit your sleeping style.

Talk To Someone

  • Talk to someone who is a good listener.
  • Talk to someone who has been through the same thing.
  • Talk to someone who is not involved in the situation or at least not directly involved, so they can see things from an unbiased point of view. (This might be a friend of yours or a family member.)

Talk to someone you trust, even if that person isn’t always the best listener—the important thing is that your relationship with this person allows for expression of emotions and feelings without fear or judgment.

You might try talking with a friend of yours who knows about your grief experience, but it’s probably better for you if this person does not know anyone else involved in your loss; some people prefer keeping their grief private rather than sharing it with others who may be directly affected by their loss as well (e.g., friends or family members).

 If none of these options are available at this time because there aren’t any people around whom we feel comfortable enough coming out of our shells around yet then consider seeking help from professionals such as psychologists/therapists/counselors etcetera.

“When coping with grief and loss, having a strong support system can make all the difference. Our guide on how to build a support system after a loss offers tips and strategies to help you find strength in community during difficult times.” – Finding Strength in Community: How to Build a Support System After a Loss

Journal Your Thoughts

Journaling is a wonderful way to process your thoughts and feelings. It’s also a great outlet for getting things off your chest that you might be holding in, which can help you feel less alone and better understood. 

Journaling also helps you understand your emotions by allowing you to look back on all the things that have happened since the loss of a loved one—and all the ups and downs in between.

Finally, journaling can help serve as an important tool in coming up with solutions—both long-term and short-term—to help deal with grief and pain.

Write in a journalWrite about your feelings, experiences, and memories as a way to reflect on your grief recovery journey.
Use promptsUse writing prompts to help you get started with writing or to focus on specific topics related to grief.
Write a letter to your loved oneWrite a letter to your deceased loved one to express your thoughts and feelings that you may not have the opportunity to say in person.
Create a gratitude journalStart each day by listing things that you are grateful for to help shift your focus on positive aspects of your life.

Listen To Music

In addition to the obvious benefits of music, there are some less-known truths about how listening to certain types of music can help you cope with grief. 

Music also has a way of making us feel better simply by existing which is why it can be such an effective self-care technique:

Listening to music you enjoy (or used to enjoy) will help you remember good times and make happy memories come alive again. You might find that listening to your favorite oldies conjures up fond memories or even makes you smile for no reason at all.

Listening to songs that remind you of your loved one can give them a presence in your life long after their passing—and this kind of connection isn’t just beneficial for those dealing with grief; it’s also good practice if someone close has died recently but hasn’t been mentioned much since then. 

This could mean finding new ways to incorporate them into daily life now, like writing down everything they taught me during our time together so I’ll never forget it.”

“Understanding the stages of grief can provide insight into the grieving process and help individuals cope with their emotions. Visit our website to learn more about the 5 stages of grief and how to manage them.” – The 5 Stages of Grief: Understanding and Coping with Loss

Watch A Movie

Watching a movie is a great way to distract yourself. You can watch a movie on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime, or you can rent or buy one from your local Redbox or Blockbuster. 

Try to pick out something with a positive message and/or funny parts in it so that you don’t feel sad during the grieving process. If possible, try not to watch any movies about death until after the funeral has taken place. 

Also try not to watch any sad documentaries at this time as well. It’s important for your mind and body to get away from all things related to death for awhile before slowly returning back into its normal routine again after some time passes by (and hopefully with help from others around them).

Practice Yoga Or Do Some Meditate

Yoga is a great way to practice self-care. Yoga helps you learn how to be mindful and present, which can help lower your stress levels.

When you’re feeling down or upset, it can be hard to remember that there’s something good in the world. 

That’s why yoga is so important it allows you to focus on your breath, slowing down and taking time for yourself.

Yoga also teaches you how to be comfortable with discomfort; this is useful when dealing with grief because being uncomfortable often comes along with grieving someone or something in life. 

For example, when someone passes away suddenly (like my brother did), everyone around them struggles as well and at times like these we may feel overwhelmed by our emotions and lack of control over what’s happening around us or within us as well as how our bodies are reacting physically (i.,e., shaking uncontrollably). 

Through yoga we can learn techniques such as breathing deeply into our bellies instead of panicking about anything else going on around us because we know it will pass eventually even if it doesn’t feel like it right now; this helps keep those feelings from escalating into panic attacks later on down the road too!

We also learn how important it is not only physically but emotionally too–especially emotionally speaking since this type ultimately leads back into all three categories: mental health plus physical wellness balanced out evenly together equals overall success.

“Coping with the loss of a loved one can be overwhelming, but there are strategies to help manage grief and find healing. Our article on 10 tips for coping with the loss of a loved one provides practical advice and resources for those struggling with grief.” – 10 Tips for Coping with the Loss of a Loved One

Plan A Trip (Even If It’s Months Away)

If you’re looking for a way to focus your thoughts, planning a trip can be an excellent way of coping with the loss of a loved one. 

You can also use this as an opportunity to celebrate their life. Plan the trip with other family members or friends and make sure they know what kind of person they’re traveling with; this will help ensure that everyone has fun while honoring the memory of their loved one.

Research destinationsResearch travel destinations that you would like to visit in the future.
Set a budgetCreate a budget to plan for the trip expenses ahead of time.
Plan your itineraryPlan your itinerary, including accommodations, transportation, and activities, to help you anticipate enjoyable experiences during your trip.
Read travel blogs or guidebooksRead travel blogs or guidebooks related to your destination to get excited and prepared for your trip.

Indulge In Something You Enjoy

You might be tempted to view your own enjoyment as selfish or inconsequential. You may feel like you should be doing something more productive or helping someone else instead. While there are certainly times when it is important to take care of others and give back, try not to feel guilty about spending time on yourself.

If you struggle with this idea, ask yourself the following questions: Will the world end if I enjoy myself? Does anyone really care how many times I laugh in a day? Is my happiness dependent on what other people think of me? The answers are no, no and no!

If we don’t allow ourselves downtime from our daily routines, we can get caught up in a downward spiral that’s hard for us to climb out of. You deserve peace and joy as much as anyone else does—in fact, you deserve it even more! 

The feeling of self-worth isn’t going anywhere if you go out for ice cream after work rather than volunteering at the animal shelter on your day off; but if your kindness is fueled by guilt rather than love or empathy then everyone loses out in the long run.

“Grief and loss can be difficult to navigate, but learning how to cope with the death of a loved one is an essential step in the healing process. Visit our website to discover more about grief and loss and find helpful resources for coping with difficult emotions.” – Grief and Loss: How to Cope with the Death of a Loved One


We hope this post has helped you understand the role of self-care in grief recovery. It’s important to remember that every person is different and while these steps may not be right for everyone, they can help you find what works best for you. 

Remember to take it slow and keep yourself safe during this difficult time.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for those interested in learning more about self-care and grief:

The Importance of Self-Care in Grief: This article explores the role of self-care in grief recovery and offers practical tips for taking care of oneself during difficult times.

Self-Care While Grieving: This webpage provides information and resources for individuals looking to practice self-care while grieving, including tips for managing stress, getting enough rest, and taking care of one’s physical health.


What is self-care in the context of grief and loss?

Self-care in the context of grief and loss refers to activities and strategies that individuals can use to take care of their physical, emotional, and mental well-being while coping with difficult emotions and life changes.

Why is self-care important during grief and loss?

Self-care is important during grief and loss because it can help individuals manage their emotions and find healing. By taking care of oneself, individuals can better cope with the challenges of grief and build resilience for the future.

What are some examples of self-care activities for grief?

Examples of self-care activities for grief include exercise, mindfulness and meditation, spending time with loved ones, getting enough rest, eating well, and seeking professional support when needed.

How can I practice self-care while grieving?

Practicing self-care while grieving involves taking intentional steps to care for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This may include setting aside time for yourself, connecting with others, engaging in healthy activities, and seeking support from professionals when needed.

Can self-care help with grief recovery?

Yes, self-care can be an important tool in grief recovery. By taking care of oneself, individuals can better manage their emotions and find healing after a loss. Practicing self-care can also help individuals build resilience for the future and move forward in a positive way.