I know how hard it is to get over a breakup. I’ve been through one myself, and it’s not easy. In fact, it can be downright devastating and painful.
But trust me when I say: You will get through this! And if you’re like most people who go through breakups, after some time passes (and with a little help) you’ll find yourself feeling betterand even happy again.
So in this post we’ll talk about all the steps you need to take during this difficult time in order to move past your ex-lover and find your way out of the dark.
Takeaways |
Coping with the pain of a break-up requires healthy coping mechanisms and self-care. |
Moving on after a break-up involves letting go of the past and avoiding negative thought patterns. |
Rebuilding your life after a break-up takes time and effort, but practical steps can help. |
Knowing when you’re emotionally ready to start dating again after a break-up requires self-awareness and introspection. |
Maintaining a positive outlook after a break-up involves finding meaning and purpose in your life. |
Focus On Yourself
You may feel like your world has been ripped apart, but the truth is that you will get through this. You should focus on taking care of yourself and doing things that make you happy. Spend time with friends who can help you through hard times.
Focus on being patient and open to new experiences. It’s important not to cut contact with your ex-partner if it’s not safe for both of you; however, try not to be around them too much as it may cause more stress than necessary at this time in your life.
It’s also a good idea to express yourself creatively during this time, whether by writing down your feelings or creating art pieces based on what’s happened between the two of you (just make sure they aren’t weapons!).
Learning or doing something new can also help divert attention away from what went wrong in the past so that it doesn’t weigh down upon one’s mind too heavily while trying their best not only survive but thrive despite whatever adversities come along one’s way like breakups do after awhile especially when coping mechanisms aren’t applied properly.”
“Taking care of yourself during times of grief is essential to the healing process. Our article on the healing power of self-care for grief provides practical tips and strategies to help you navigate this difficult journey.” – The Healing Power of Self-Care for Grief
Take Care Of Yourself
The best thing you can do for yourself right now is to take care of your mental and physical health.
That may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to forget when you’re so focused on your own pain. For example, many people think that eating well means eating less or not eating at all (which is unhealthy), or that taking care of themselves means vegging out in front of the TV (which won’t make them any happier). Instead:
Eat healthy foods and get enough sleep every night! Taking care of yourself physically makes it easier to deal with the breakup emotionally.
If possible, try meditating before bed too—this can help with sleeping patterns and also help clear your mind from negative thoughts about the past relationship. It will help prevent insomnia as well as stress-related symptoms later on down the road if done consistently over time.
Make sure you exercise regularly! Exercise releases endorphins that make us feel better both mentally and physically; plus having something else besides thinking about how miserable we are gives us something else to focus our energy on.
Find activities that make me happy other than dating someone else; engage in hobbies such as painting pottery classes offered by local community centers near my apartment building where I live near downtown Chicago area where most restaurants seem upscale yet casual at same time without seeming pretentious
Self-Care Strategies |
Get enough sleep |
Exercise regularly |
Eat a healthy, balanced diet |
Practice mindfulness or meditation |
Talk to a therapist or counselor |
Spend time with supportive friends and family |
Avoid drugs and alcohol |
Surround Yourself With Positive People
You should not be ashamed of your feelings. It is normal to feel sad, angry and upset after a break-up. The important thing is how you deal with these feelings.
If you are having trouble getting over the loss of your relationship, here are some tips that may help:
Surround yourself with positive people. When we’re going through something difficult in life, it’s easy to become isolated and withdraw from those around us who care about us most.
Instead of isolating yourself during this time, try doing things that will help you connect with others and build up your support system again: join an online support group; attend meetings at an eating disorder clinic; reach out to friends or family members who have been through similar situations before; spend time volunteering at a homeless shelter; go on a date night by yourself!
Avoid negative people as much as possible! Negative people will only make the situation worse by making you feel guilty for feeling sad about losing someone special in your life which isn’t fair! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise–you deserve happiness too!
“Getting over a break-up can be challenging, but it is possible to find happiness again. Our article on how to get over a break-up and find happiness again provides actionable steps to help you move forward.” – How to Get Over a Break-up and Find Happiness Again
Do Something That Makes You Happy
When you’re feeling down and out, it’s important to do something that makes you happy. You can’t always be sad about your break-up because life is too short for that. If there was no good reason for your relationship to end, then why should you spend the rest of your days being miserable?
So what should you do when it feels like there’s nothing left in life worth living for? How can someone who feels this way ever get back on their feet again? It all starts with taking time out each day just to breathe and think about the things which make us happy.
Whether it’s going to a museum or visiting an old friend whom we haven’t seen in awhile, chances are there’s something out there that will bring some joy into our lives again!
Activities to Boost Your Mood |
Listen to music |
Go for a walk in nature |
Watch a funny movie or TV show |
Play with pets |
Write in a journal |
Take a relaxing bath |
Treat yourself to something nice |
Be Patient
You must be patient
Patience can be a difficult virtue to practice when we’re in the midst of a break-up. Our instincts tell us that time will heal our wounds and mend our broken hearts, but it’s not always so easy to wait out the healing process.
We want to feel better now! And yet, if we rush through this important stage of grief, we risk missing an opportunity for growth and self-reflection.
If you find yourself feeling impatient with yourself, try setting aside some time each day where you give yourself permission not only to grieve but also allow yourself time to listen (and perhaps even journal) about how your life has changed since your relationship ended.
You might be surprised by how much insight comes from simply paying attention and being present with what is happening in the present moment rather than focusing on outcomes or trying desperately hard for things not yet experienced (such as healing).
“Building a support system can provide comfort and strength during times of loss. Our article on finding strength in community after the loss of a loved one offers practical advice on how to build a supportive network.” – Finding Strength in Community After the Loss of a Loved One
Be Open To New Experiences
Try something new. Do something you’ve never done before and be open to the experience. If it’s not a good fit, try another activity or hobby until you find something that clicks with your personality.
Take up a new class or sport. It’s an easy way to meet people who share similar interests as well as diversify your social circle!
Eat somewhere different for lunch every day of the week (or if you’re lucky enough to live in New York City, go out to dinner!).
You can even take this challenge beyond food try going to a museum on Saturday mornings instead of visiting the same bar every weekend, go skydiving rather than watching movies at home by yourself every Friday night.
Cut Contact
One of the most difficult parts of a break-up is having to see your ex around town. It can be tempting to try and talk things out with them, but this will only make it more painful in the long run. It’s better to just cut contact than let your emotions get the better of you.
If you have no choice but to see them (for example, if they work where you do), try not talking about your break-up at all or at least wait until any romantic feelings have passed before addressing it again.
“Breaking up can be a painful experience, but taking steps to heal can help you move forward. Our article on 10 steps to healing after a break-up offers practical advice on how to cope and recover.” – 10 Steps to Healing After a Break-up
Express Yourself Creatively
A way to express yourself creatively is to make art. You can write a letter or poem, write a song or even a play.
You can draw or paint, create collages and scrapbooks, and write in your journal at night. These are all ways of expressing the way you feel when you’re upset and they can help ease your pain so that it doesn’t hurt as much.
Learn Or Do Something You’ve Always Wanted To Do
One of the most difficult parts about a break-up is that you feel like you’re losing yourself and your identity.
You may be tempted to retreat into the comfort of your bed, but don’t do that. Instead, take action to prove how wrong they were about you!
Learn or do something new: Try something new and learn a new skill! Take a class at the local community college or sign up for an online course on Udemy.com or Coursera.org (I did!).
Or if you are feeling adventurous, travel somewhere new with your friends from home or visit family members who live far away from you — they’ll appreciate having someone around and it will give them something interesting to talk about at the next family gathering!
Do something that has always been on your bucket list: Maybe it’s taking up yoga, learning Spanish or swimming laps in open water — whatever it is, go ahead and do it now! Find what makes YOU happy before anyone else comes along again (but also make sure not to set too high expectations).
Ideas for Personal Growth |
Take a class or workshop |
Read a new book |
Learn a new skill, like cooking or painting |
Volunteer for a cause you care about |
Travel to a new place |
Start a new hobby |
Challenge yourself in some way |
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and help others, which will help you feel better about yourself and the world.
You don’t have to volunteer for an organization—you can simply talk with friends about what’s on their mind, read to the blind, or play games with children. Doing something kind for someone else will remind you of all the good in your life that has nothing to do with your ex-lover.
“Finding comfort after the loss of a loved one is an important part of the grieving process. Our article on finding comfort after the loss of a loved one provides tips and strategies to help you find peace and solace.” – Finding Comfort After the Loss of a Loved One
Find A Support Group, Either Friends Or Online
A support group is a great way to find other people who’ve been through the same thing, and who can offer you guidance along the way.
You might be surprised at how helpful this can be! A therapist or life coach will also be able to help you work through your feelings and identify any underlying issues that may have led to the break-up.
And if a friend is someone you trust and feel comfortable with, don’t hesitate to lean on them for support as well.
Finally, there are an abundance of online forums where likeminded individuals come together to discuss their experiences and support one another during hard times.
This can be especially useful if you live somewhere where there aren’t many people around who know what it feels like after going through something like this.
Seek Professional Help, Such As A Therapist Or Life Coach, If Necessary
If you’re suffering from the emotional weight of a break-up, it’s important to get help if you need it. You may be able to overcome your feelings on your own with time and self-care, but if not there are plenty of resources available. A therapist or life coach can offer support and guidance through difficult times.
Get Out Of Bed And Let Yourself Move On!
The most important thing you can do is get out of bed and let yourself move on! Don’t let yourself stay in bed for days or weeks, wallowing in self-pity.
Get up and do something productive. Don’t let yourself sit around and feel sorry for yourself. Don’t dwell on the past; it doesn’t matter anymore, so don’t worry about it! Move forward while keeping some lessons learned from your relationship as a way to make sure this doesn’t happen again in another relationship or friendship.
You Can Get Through This!
It’s okay to feel hurt, but you need to keep moving forward and find value in yourself. The best thing you can do right now is take care of yourself. You can get through this!
You are not alone many people have gone through break-ups and come out stronger on the other side. And we’re here for you if you need us throughout this process.
Keep in mind that your ex is not the only person who will help you get through this difficult time. There are so many people and resources out there, it’s hard to know where to begin.
You could start by reaching out to friends or family members who have also gone through breakups; they might be able to recommend a therapist or support group that can help you through this difficult time.
You might also want to consider joining an online community with others going through similar experiences, as well as reading books on how other people have dealt with similar situations (such as Breakups & Divorce: How To Get Through It).
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that may be helpful:
How to Get Over a Break-Up: 10 Tips for Moving On: This article provides practical tips and advice for moving on after a break-up.
How to Get Over a Breakup, According to Women Who Have Been There: This article features advice and insights from women who have gone through break-ups and come out the other side.
- What are some common emotions people experience after a break-up?
- People often experience a range of emotions after a break-up, including sadness, anger, guilt, and loneliness.
- How long does it take to get over a break-up?
- The amount of time it takes to get over a break-up varies from person to person and depends on factors such as the length and intensity of the relationship, the circumstances of the break-up, and the individual’s coping mechanisms.
- How can I take care of myself after a break-up?
- Taking care of yourself after a break-up is important. Some ways to do this include practicing self-care, staying active and busy, talking to supportive friends or family members, and seeking professional help if needed.
- Should I stay friends with my ex after a break-up?
- Whether or not to stay friends with an ex after a break-up is a personal decision. It’s important to consider your own feelings and needs, as well as the dynamics of the relationship.
- How can I start dating again after a break-up?
- Starting to date again after a break-up can be challenging. It’s important to take the time you need to heal and process your emotions before jumping into a new relationship. When you do feel ready to date again, take it slow and focus on meeting new people and having fun.
My name is Hellen James. I’m a grief and loss recovery expert who has helped people across the country to move beyond their grief and move forward with their lives.