10 Steps To Healing After A Break-Up

I’ve been there. It’s hard to think of anything worse than being heartbroken after a breakup. You feel like you’ll never be happy again, like your life will never be the same. 

I mean, it won’t be exactly the same anyway that would mean you’d have lost yourself in the relationship, which would make leaving that much harder on both you and your partner. 

But breaking up is one of those things we all go through at some point in our lives, and whether it’s a first for you or not doesn’t matter: everyone heals differently after getting broken up with.

So here are some tips for how best to deal with a breakup and get back on your way to being happy again:

10 Ways to Heal From a Breakup
Coping with the emotional pain of a breakup takes time and effort, but it is possible to move on and find happiness again.
Seeking support from friends and family can be helpful in coping with a breakup.
Engaging in self-care activities, such as exercise and mindfulness, can be beneficial for emotional healing after a breakup.
Focusing on personal growth and setting goals can help provide a sense of purpose and direction after a breakup.
It’s important to give yourself time to heal after a breakup and not rush the process.
If you are struggling to cope with the pain of a breakup, seeking professional help may be a good option. A therapist or counselor can provide support and guidance as you navigate this difficult time.

Let Yourself Feel Sad

This is one of the most challenging steps, but it’s also one of the most important.

In order to heal and move on, you need to allow yourself to fully experience whatever emotions come up.

It’s okay if you feel sad or upset.

It’s okay to cry as often as you want for as long as you want.

It’s okay if no one else understands why you’re crying because they don’t know how much your ex meant to you and how much pain this break up has caused.

Don’t try to hide those feelings from others either; it is healthy for people closest to us (and even strangers) who care about us know that we are hurting so that they can help us get through this difficult time in our lives with love and support instead of judgment or criticism.

1Acknowledge and accept your emotions.
2Allow yourself time to grieve the loss.
3Express your feelings in a healthy way.
4Be kind and patient with yourself.
5Remember that it’s okay to not be okay.

Accept You Will Have “Bad” Days And Tough Moments

You will have bad days and tough moments. You will feel like you can’t go on, that you’re a failure, unlovable and hopeless. All of these are normal feelings during the breakup healing process. 

There’s no need to be ashamed of feeling this way – it is just part of the healing process. Feelings come and go in waves – some days will be better than others but there will be times when everything seems worse again too.

Say goodbye to those good old days when nothing ever bothered you or got under your skin? We’ve all been there before with breakups – they hurt like hell! 

And then suddenly one day we find ourselves free-falling into a pit full of self-pity and despair while listening to The Cure’s Greatest Hits CD over and over again (*cough* me *cough*).

“Healing after a breakup takes time and effort, but it is possible to find happiness again. Our guide on how to get over a break-up and find happiness again can provide helpful tips and insights for moving on.” – How to Get Over a Break-up and Find Happiness Again

Surround Yourself With Support

Remember that you are not alone. Even if your friends and family don’t understand what you’re going through, remind yourself that they love and care about you, and that their presence is important.

Talk to someone who understands what’s going on with you. Ask them if they have any advice or suggestions for how to move forward in your life after a break-up, such as how to cope with feeling depressed or anxious (and remember: it’s okay if they don’t).

Don’t keep it all inside! Try sharing some of your feelings and thoughts with someone who will listen without judgment, like a good friend or therapist. 

And also remember that there is nothing wrong in asking for help; rather than trying all on his own, he could reach out for support from family members or close friends who could lend an ear when needed most during these difficult times.”

1Seek comfort from family and friends.
2Join a support group or seek professional help.
3Avoid isolation and stay connected with others.
4Let people help you when you need it.
5Surround yourself with positivity and love.

Don’t Get Revenge

Don’t get revenge. Getting back at your ex is an easy way to feel better, but it’s not worth it. You’ll just end up feeling worse than ever when you realize how petty and childish you’ve been.

Don’t try to steal their friends, job or dog—or any other possession of theirs that was given to them out of a sense of obligation rather than real friendship or love. 

You’re never going to see less of them if you move in with them or make off with their beloved pet; instead, what likely will happen is that they’ll be even more annoyed/disgusted/sad/etc., and now you’re stuck living together!

“Overcoming a break-up can feel like finding your way out of the dark, but it is possible to move forward. Our guide on finding your way out of the dark after a break-up can provide helpful tips and encouragement for those going through a difficult time.” – Finding Your Way Out of the Dark: Overcoming a Break-up

Avoid Bottling Up Your Feelings And Emotions

Bottling up emotions is a dangerous game. It can lead to depression, anxiety, and physical symptoms. 

It can also affect your relationship with your partner (and anyone else you’re close with). When you try to pretend like you don’t care about what happened, it makes them feel worse and opens the door for them to do the same thing. 

By keeping everything inside, it becomes harder and harder for anyone involved in this situation to express themselves honestly about their feelings—which means that even if they want to help you through this difficult time, they won’t know how because they’re not sure what’s going on with YOU!

To avoid bottling up feelings:

Reach Out To A Family Member Or Friend

Reach out to someone you trust, such as a friend who has been through a break up before. They may be able to offer some helpful advice on how to move forward with your life and heal from the loss of your relationship. 

You can also talk about your feelings with a therapist or counselor if you prefer not to speak with someone you know personally. If this is an option for you, consider scheduling an appointment today!

“The pain of a break-up can be intense, but there are ways to heal your heart and find peace. Our guide on the best ways to heal your heart after a break-up can provide helpful tips and strategies for moving forward.” – The Best Ways to Heal Your Heart After a Break-up

Write It Out

Journaling is a great way to release your emotions and thoughts, and it’s also helpful in figuring out what you want to do next. Write down all the things you are feeling, such as anger, sadness, shame/guilt, worry or confusion. 

It can be helpful to write down everything that comes up for you even if it seems silly or inconsequential at first blush (like how much time you spend thinking about them).

When writing about the breakup itself: Is there anything in particular that stands out as an issue? What was the last straw? If there were multiple problems with your relationship, write about each one separately so that later on you can look back at all of them as a group when deciding where/how/why certain things happened during the relationship. 

You may find some patterns or themes emerge from this exercise which could help shape how your next relationship might go differently than this one did (for example: “I’m always afraid my boyfriend won’t call me back,” etc).

Additionally: What do I want from myself now? What does my future look like without him/her in it?

1Create a daily journaling habit.
2Write a letter to your ex (that you don’t send).
3Brainstorm a list of things you learned from the relationship.
4Write affirmations and positive self-talk.
5Practice gratitude and focus on the present moment.

Talk To Strangers

After a break-up, it’s natural to want to withdraw from others and self-reflect. But it’s important that you keep yourself busy and engaged with the world and not just with your ex or relationship. 

You need to surround yourself with new people who can provide you with positive energy and insight into different perspectives on love, life, and relationships.

Talking to strangers is one way of doing this! When I’m feeling down about being single (which happens more often than I’d like) I like talking to strangers because they help me see things differently

To start the conversation, ask them where they’re from or something about their job/hobbies so they feel comfortable opening up. 

You’ll be surprised by how easy it is for people to open up when they know nothing about each other–it even helps if you’re both stranded somewhere far away from home!

“Managing online relationships after a loss can be particularly challenging, but there are ways to cope. Our guide on managing online relationships after a loss provides tips on setting boundaries, managing social media, and more.” – 15 Tips to Managing Online Relationships After a Loss

Unfollow Them On Social Media

  • Unfollow them on social media.
  • Delete the pictures you have of them and the ones they have of you.
  • Don’t go to any places that were a shared activity or interest, like restaurants, museums, gym classes and so forth.
  • Don’t listen to music that reminds you of them because it will only make your pain worse.

Give Yourself A Pep Talk

You need to be kind to yourself. You’re a good person, and you’re going to be okay. That’s the truth. If you can’t believe it yet, that’s okay too—but you have to keep working at it. Remember that this doesn’t define your value as a human being or make you unworthy of love in any way, shape or form.

There are plenty of ways your friends can help support you during this time: they can give hugs when they see you; they can listen to what happened and let you talk about how it makes them feel;

They can make plans with their other friends so that no one has to put on an act for another night out at the pub because really everyone just wants some downtime alone in their room watching Netflix (and if any of those things aren’t possible right now then don’t worry about making plans anyway! Just concentrate on caring for yourself).

“Finding hope after the loss of a loved one can be a difficult journey, but it is possible to move forward with time and support. Our guide on finding hope after the loss of a loved one provides helpful tips and encouragement for those coping with grief and loss.” – Finding Hope After the Loss of a Loved One

Breakups Are Hard, But Everyone Has Their Own Way Of Healing From Them

The most important thing to remember is that everyone has their own way of healing from a breakup. 

The best thing you can do is find what works for you and go with it. No matter how much time passes, your heart will never forget what happened. It’s okay to be sad! But don’t let it consume you or keep you from living your life. You deserve better than that.

You’ll get through this, I promise! If you need help along the way, reach out to people who care about you, even if they’re not close friends or family members (if those relationships aren’t healthy). 

Talk to someone who knows what they are talking about when it comes to breakups and being heartbroken because chances are good that this person has been where YOU are now before – so listen closely!


If you are going through a breakup, remember that it’s okay to feel sad and upset. There are plenty of ways to cope with this difficult time in your life, including reaching out to others for support. 

You may want revenge or think that bottling up your feelings will make them go away faster, but those tactics only end up making things harder on yourself later down the road. 

Instead of dwelling on what happened in the past or worrying about the future (which can be overwhelming), focus instead on taking small steps towards healing today: maybe start by talking with someone close who understands what you’re going through?

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for coping with a breakup:

10 Tips for Getting Over a Breakup – This article provides helpful tips for healing after a breakup, including advice on self-care and seeking support.

How to Get Over a Breakup – This article offers practical advice for moving on after a breakup, including tips on self-reflection and setting goals.


How do I cope with the pain of a breakup?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone copes with a breakup differently. However, some helpful strategies may include seeking support from friends and family, engaging in self-care activities, and seeking professional help if needed.

How long does it take to get over a breakup?

The length of time it takes to get over a breakup can vary depending on the individual and the circumstances of the relationship. It’s important to give yourself time to heal and not rush the process.

How can I focus on personal growth after a breakup?

Focusing on personal growth after a breakup can be a helpful way to move forward. Some strategies may include setting goals, trying new things, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.

Is it normal to still feel pain after a breakup?

Yes, it is normal to still feel pain after a breakup. Healing takes time, and everyone copes with the pain of a breakup differently.

Should I seek professional help after a breakup?

If you are struggling to cope with the pain of a breakup or are experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, seeking professional help may be a good option. A therapist or counselor can provide support and guidance as you navigate this difficult time.